Monday, August 25, 2003

ABC Tasmania - "Family Institute releases same sex adoption report"

The Tasmanian Family Institute says its report on same-sex adoptions has found children fare better when raised by a mother and father.

The report, released in Launceston yesterday, recommends no changes be made to the present laws.

It also condemns the Tasmanian Law Institute for its handling of the issue and says public opinion is clearly against law reform.

The report comes as the Tasmanian Upper House prepares to debate legislation aimed at strengthening the rights of same sex couples.

The Institute's director, Michael Ferguson, says research shows a traditional married relationship is the most favourable environment for a child.

"The case for same sex adoptions has not been adequately made except in the political arena under the guise of anti-discrimination," he said.

"The fact is, we conclude this is not in the best interests of children as some people have advocated."

Gay advocates have dismissed the report as predictable.

Tasmanian Gay and Lesbian Rights Group spokesman Rodney Croome says the Family Institute had fixed views on same-sex parenting before it began its inquiry.

"It was inevitable that the Tasmanian Family Institute would find that gay parenting is something that is not in the best interests of children because that's been their position all along," he said.

"It is essentially an anti-gay organisation, so effectively this report has as much credibility as a Ku Klux Klan report on race relations."

[Link: Original Article]

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