Saturday, December 8, 2012

[International] - Surrogacy Surveys at Men Having Babies

There is an interesting survey feature on the Men Having Babies website.  The Surrogacy parenting surveys for service providers feedback is one way surro-dads and prospective surro-dads can contribute and find out information about various Surrogacy Agencies.

There is a survey for Prospective Parents and one for Parents.  I have been through the one for Parents and it was pretty painless.  You should note that they do ask for some personal information but it appears it can be omitted in most cases.

At Gay Dads Australia, the "recommendation" process for surrogacy agencies has been for the last 8 years based on "word of mouth" and that has worked very well.  However, our group is changing as it becomes much bigger.  Maybe resources like this are something that could compliment our traditional "word of mouth" approach.

In any case, if you are interested in participating in the survey I know that Ron Poole-Dayan from Men Having Babies is very keen to get feedback from the Aussie guys who have done surrogacy.  You can find our more by visiting their website here.

Ron Poole-Dayan told me: "We launched the survey less than a year ago and already have close to 400 people who provided feedback, most of them already dads and many from outside the USA. This feedback allows us to provide for the first time an un-biased overview of agencies and clinics that people used, including the actual costs they reported. However we need the help of organizations like yours to reach out to more people to encourage filling the surveys. Otherwise a certain percentage of the surveys are the result of the agencies and clinics selectively encouraging their best clients to fill the surveys".

As I have previously reported the Men Having Babies site is full of useful information on Surrogacy and all gay guys contemplating surrogacy should add it to their favorites.

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