Monday, December 3, 2012

[Canada] - Qparent - Exciting News Blog for GLBTI Parents

I recently discovered a newly launched news blog called "Qparent" which began in October 2012.

It is run by Jennifer who describes herself as a "lesbian who is grateful to live in Canada, where same-sex marriage is legal. My wife and I were married last year. She is now pregnant and we’re expecting our first child in May 2013".

Well, firstly congratulations to Jennifer and her wife on the impending birth of their child.  Exciting times ahead!

The website covers GLBTI parenting and family news from around the world on a crisp and clean website.  This is definitely a website to bookmark and visit.  Thanks go to Jennifer for Qparent and we look forward to reading it regularly.

[Source: Qparent Website]

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