[Australia] - Survey of Rainbow Families - Relationships Australia - Victoria
Some time last year many of you will have completed the FRC Community Consultation - Survey of Rainbow Families "Survey". Now Relationship Australia (Victoria) - The Family Relationship Centre have posted their report. You can see a full copy here.
As a community organisation, Relationships Australia Victoria (RAV) is committed to ensuring equal access for all Victorians to all of RAV’s services and programs. Melbourne and Greensborough FRC’s recognise that we work within a diverse community and acknowledge the range of needs and characteristics within those communities. As such, we recognise the need to provide an inclusive service for all families and value the importance of people feeling understood, respected and supported in the use of our services. Melbourne and Greensborough FRC’s feel that GLBTI inclusive practice in particular is important for a number of reasons. Firstly, both FRC’s are aware from research, anecdotal evidence and staff feedback that there are barriers in GLBTI parented families accessing mainstream family support services and there may be particular issues around accessing post-separation parenting support. Having GLBTI staff at the FRC’s has also increased the Centre’s awareness of particular issues GLBTI parented families may experience as well as barriers they may face when accessing our service and the need to address these. Secondly, while a number of GLBTI parents have attended the FRC’s for information, advice and family dispute resolution services, feedback regarding their experiences in accessing and using our services has not been sought. We wanted to know if we are in fact providing an inclusive service for GLBTI clients and how we might be able to improve our service and practice.
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