A new online group is helping connect GLBT parents and their kids, writes Reg Domingo.
Becoming a parent is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. But for many GLBT people, the road to parenthood can be a difficult one. Many face uncertainties when it comes to unearthing relevant advice; while for others, emotional support can be elusive.
Enter Rainbow Families NSW, a new online group designed to connect GLBT parents.
“The group was started in an effort to unite the two parenting groups that exist,” says group moderator Dom Gili. “There was no crossover between lesbian parent group, Rainbow Babies, and Gay Dads NSW. Individually, the role of either group is very important but from a lobbying and social point of view, I felt there was a gap that needed to be filled.”
ili, who is also the convenor of Gay Dads NSW and a proud father of two, says the group also helps link parents with health and community organisations. “I know organisations such as the Lobby are doing a lot of great work on our behalf but the gathering of support and stories from gay parents has always been a struggle,” he says. “I figured that by setting up this Yahoo online group and having plenty of gay parents, family, friends and supporters as members, then there is a direct line of access to relay info, to network and gather support for campaigns.”
rospective parents seeking advice will also benefit from the group. “I get so many requests from lesbians and gay men asking if I know where they might meet someone to co-parent with,” Gili says. “So for them this group will be a great forum to ask questions to those that have been through that experience and maybe even look for a co-parent to help them become parents.”
Furthermore, Rainbow Families NSW aims to reach GLBT parents in regional areas as well the children of gay parents. “It is important for our children to realise that they are not the only child in Sydney that has gay parents. I think it helps them greatly to recognise that they are not alone and have peers to share their experiences with and lean on for support as they get older.”
Gili adds that in the current media climate, which has recently put the spotlight on same-sex parenting, the arrival of Rainbow Families NSW is timely and crucial. “In the wake of all the positive media focus, including the release of the HREOC report and the Victorian Law Reform Report, the timing is perfect for all gay parents to get a little proactive in lobbying for equal rights. The online group will be a great forum for people to share what they are doing to make a difference.”
To join Rainbow Families NSW and Gay Dads NSW visit www.groups.yahoo.com/group/rainbowfamiliesnsw and www.groups.yahoo.com/group/gaydadsnsw .
Gay Dads NSW and Rainbow Families NSW will also be hosting an info night from 7pm on Monday, August 27 at Twenty10, 43 Bedford St, Newtown. Guest speakers include GLRL spokesperson Ghassan Khassisieh, Dr Kerry Robinson and Anthony Seamann. Places are limited. To book or for more info, email nsw@gaydadsaustralia.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it or contact Dom Gili on 0400 296 253.
[Link: Original Article]
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