More good news from the Gay & Lesbian Rights Lobby! At the beginning of the month we saw the historical passage of the 2008 Same Sex Relationships Bill through NSW Parliament, which provides equal parenting rights to co-mothers of children born through donor insemination and allows both mums to be listed on their child’s birth certificate.
In addition to this, now comes the recognition of same-sex couples and their children in the Federal Government’s newly released National Employment Standards. This will guarantee equal entitlement for same-sex couples to carer’s leave, bereavement leave and parental leave as well as rights in relation to flexible working arrangement for parents with children.
“It is encouraging to see the Rudd Labor Government incorporating the HREOC recommendations into the new National Employment Standards,” said Emily Gray, Lobby Co-Convenor. “This will provide the vast majority of families in our community with greater financial and workplace security, ensuring that lesbians and gay men can take leave to care for their partners, children and other family members.”
If passed by parliament, same-sex partners will be treated as members of each other’s immediate family.
“We welcome the sincerity shown by the Rudd Government in getting on with the job of removing discrimination against same-sex couples and call on them to continue this process in any future legislation,” said Peter Johnson, GLRL Co-Convenor, “It’s time for the Coalition to stop delaying same-sex reforms and work with the government to remove discrimination against lesbians and gay men across Australia.”
[Link: Original Article]
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