Friday, September 2, 2016

[USA] "My Brother’s Pregnancy and the Making of a New American Family" by Jesse Hempel

What a wonderful piece about Evan and creating a rainbow family.  Absolutely lovely!

"My brother Evan was born female. He came out as transgender 16 years ago but never stopped wanting to have a baby. This spring he gave birth to his first child

When the call came, my brother was at work in the open office in Cambridge, Mass., he shares with seven colleagues who, like him, help run clinical trials for a drug developer. The phone number came up blocked, so he knew it must be the doctor. He stood up, unsteady on his feet. Was he a little nauseous? Or was that just adrenaline? He ducked into the hallway in search of quiet.

Pregnancies like Evan’s—and the many that are likely to follow—will stretch our cultural perceptions of gender norms even further. 

My brother Evan, 35, is a stocky guy of medium height with a trimmed, fuzzy blond beard and two gem studs in each earlobe. He usually wears a Red Sox hat, and when he’s nervous, he’ll remove it and obsessively bend the rim. But on that September afternoon, both of his hands were clutching his phone, the right one cupping the left for privacy. “Hello?”

Continue Reading at Time.

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